vbet10 football last minute betting odds
According to vbet10 statistics, in the final moments of football matches, especially after the 80th minute, both sides of the match will give up their strategies and bookmakers will change their odds rashly.
At this point you realize that an away win is still possible, the odds have been reached to be worthwhile. The length of the game forces the bookmaker to lower the draw odds, but he has to back up his initial opinion so he can’t raise the home team’s odds as high as he should. In order to keep his bankroll at an acceptable level, he is forced to increase the away team’s odds to a more valuable advantage relative to the progress of the game.
There comes a point, however, when the bookmaker is forced to abandon his initial opinion and must follow the score and facts of the game. The exact minutes vary from game to game because it depends on the team and what’s actually happening on the pitch. However, the usual live odds strategy is to start adjusting the odds after the 70th minute.
If you spend some time watching the odds change during a game, you’ll find that it’s easy to spot this “edge.” After making this adjustment, you may find that the top teams score a single goal and win the game at extremely high odds.